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Online Data Collection

We have decades of experience in online sampling and recruiting Sampling

♦ Sampling is done using the profiling criteria entered in the Buzz panel & Medicusview database.

♦ We can also abstract a random sample from our panel base.

♦ It can also be conducted through a short online questionnaire or screener to get a more precisely tailored sample of respondents.

♦ Flexible size sample: 500-6000 respondents to allow for a large quantitative data processing.

♦ Advanced techniques to get hard-to-reach and low incidence audience.


Participants can be recruited either online or on the phone.

♦ For online recruitment, our consultants design tailor-made questionnaires to reach the aimed target of respondents and achieve powerful survey results.

♦ Even our sampling questionnaires include some open-ended questions aiming at measuring the respondents’ engagement and motivation towards the survey.

♦ The verbatim material collected in the pre-recruitment phase helps also design the survey questionnaire itself
